Ethnobotany Discovery Walks

2-3 Hours

From wicked to wonderful, join me on the trail as we discover the many uses of Kodiak’s wild plants. Did you know you could make soda pop from elderberry flowers? Can you identify a small purple flower that was used by Alutiiq whalers to bring down their prey? This 2-3 hour walk will help you learn the stories of several of Kodiak’s useful plants.

Nurses, foragers, hikers, bush crafters and herbalists learned new plants & uses on this hike.
Just above the high tide line is a plethora of edible and medicinal plants!
Spruce tip syrup is an excellent condiment drizzled on a cheese tray, on grilled salmon, or in a fantastic cocktail!
Gorgeous and deadly, monkshood or wolfsbane was used by Alutiiq whalers to kill the largest mammals on earth.